Search results for References by viljoen, f.p.
Metzinger, A.; Meyer, L.; Buss, P.; Hooijberg, E.H.; Huber, N.; Viljoen, F.P.; Leiberich, M.; Pohlin, F., 2024. Dehorning does not alter the stress response in southern white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum) during transport: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2024: 1-6 - DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00061


Pohlin, F.; Hooyberg, E.H.; Buss, P.; Huber, N.; Viljoen, F.P.; Blackhurt, D.; Meyer, L.C.R., 2020. A comparison of hematological, immunological, and stress responses to capture and transport in wild white rhinoceros bulls (Ceratotherium simum simum) supplemented with azaperone or midazolam. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 20 October 2020: 1-12 -
